73 Latest B2B Marketing Statistics For 2025

What is the current state of B2B marketing?

Is it worth investing in a well-documented content marketing strategy or should marketers rely on traditional marketing instead?

In this post, we’re taking a deep dive into all of the B2B marketing statistics that you need to know.

We’ll be looking at different marketing strategies that experts use like content marketing, email marketing, and video marketing. There are also statistics on how B2B businesses work their budget to achieve all of their goals.

Editor’s picks

  • 56% of B2B companies have in-house marketing teams. (Statista)
  • 84% of B2B companies outsource their content creation tasks. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 84% of B2B marketers use paid social for their content marketing efforts. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • Marketers that set goals are 377% more successful than their peers. (CoSchedule)
  • 50% of marketers believe that email is the best marketing channel for ROI. (Chief Marketer)
  • 23% of B2B marketers said that they published content several times per month in 2021. (Orbit Media)
  • Long-form content gets 77.2% more clicks than short-form content. (Backlinko)
  • More than 50% of B2B researchers are millennials. (Think WIth Google)
  • 13% of B2B companies would allocate more than 15% of their budget toward marketing. (Statista)
  • 70% of B2B buyers source their information from a vendor’s website. (Marketing Charts)

Key B2B marketing statistics

These marketing stats will show you what strategies B2B digital marketing experts are using to find content marketing success. Should you build your own marketing team or should you hire outside help? These statistics will tell you what established businesses are doing.

How many B2B companies have in-house marketing teams?

According to Statista, in the US 56% of B2B companies have in-house marketing teams. Compared to 6% of B2B companies who outsource their marketing tasks, and 38% of B2B companies who use a combination of in-house marketing and outsourcing.

56% of B2B companies have in-house marketing teams

Source: Statista 

Which marketing tasks do B2B companies like to outsource?

84% of B2B companies outsource their content creation tasks.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

What’s the content marketing strategy priority of organizations?

71% of organizations prioritize delivering relevant content when and where a user is most likely to see it.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

What’s the top paid channel that B2B marketers use?

84% of B2B marketers use paid social media marketing methods to assist them in their content marketing efforts. LinkedIn is the platform used for both organic and paid social media posts in the space.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

How important is goal setting for B2B marketers?

Marketers that set goals are 377% more successful than their peers. In a survey, 74% reported setting marketing goals. And of those who set goals, 50% managed to achieve success most of the time or always.

74% reported setting marketing goals

Source: CoSchedule

Which B2B channel produces the best return on investment?

50% of B2B marketers believe that email is the marketing channel that produces the best return on investment or ROI.

50% of B2B marketers believe that email is the marketing channel that produces the best return on investment or ROI

43% of B2B marketers think search optimization is good for their ROI and 34% of B2B marketers think content marketing is good for their ROI.

Source: Chief Marketer

What do B2B marketers think is the biggest challenge to generating new leads?

57% of B2B marketers said that engaging targeted prospects is the biggest challenge to generating new leads for their businesses. 

57% of B2B marketers said that engaging targeted prospects is the biggest challenge to generating new leads for their businesses.

Source: Chief Marketer

B2B content marketing statistics

These content marketing statistics highlight what B2B marketers feel about their chances of finding the right target audience and acquiring marketing leads for their respective businesses. 

Do B2B businesses think they’re doing a great job? We have information on how many of them think that they are.

Do B2B organizations use metrics to measure content performance?

83% of top-performing B2B organizations use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their content performance.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

How many B2B marketers think their content marketing strategy is extremely successful?

5% of marketers think their content marketing strategy is extremely successful.

5% of marketers think their content marketing strategy is extremely successful.
  • 21% of marketers think their content strategy is very successful.
  • 58% of B2B marketers believe that their content strategy is moderately successful.
  • 15% of marketers think their content strategy is minimally successful.
  • 1% of B2B marketers don’t believe that their content strategy is working at all.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

How many B2B marketers think their content marketing efforts are much more successful than it was the previous year?

18% of B2B marketers think they’re much more successful now in content marketing than they were a year prior.

18% of B2B marketers think they’re much more successful now in content marketing than they were a year prior
  • 51% of B2B marketers think they’re somewhat more successful now in content marketing than they were a year prior.
  • 29% of B2B marketers think their content marketing performance is about the same as the year prior.
  • 2% of B2B marketers think their content marketing performance is somewhat less successful than the year prior.
  • Nobody believes that their efforts had no impact at all.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

How many B2B marketers would describe their content marketing as sophisticated?

9% of B2B marketing experts would describe their strategy as sophisticated. The next level down is mature content marketing, which 33% of B2B marketers ranked their efforts.

However, the remaining 58% rate their content marketing maturity at adolescent and below, with 4% rating first steps.

9% of B2B marketing experts would describe their strategy as sophisticated

Source: Content Marketing Institute

How long does it take B2B marketers to create a blog post?

As of 2021, the average blog post will take someone up to 4 hours and 1 minute to write.

As of 2021, the average blog post will take someone up to 4 hours and 1 minute to write.

For reference, it only took writers 2 hours and 24 minutes to finish a post back in 2014.

Source: Orbit Media

How long is a typical blog post?

As of 2021, the average blog post is 1,416 words in length. Back in 2014, a blog post was 808 words on average.

As of 2021, the average blog post is 1,416 words in length. Back in 2014, a blog post was 808 words on average.

Source: Orbit Media

How often do marketers publish content?

23% of marketers said that they published several times per month in 2021.

23% of marketers said that they published several times per month in 2021
  • 22% of marketers said that they published weekly in 2021.
  • 16% of marketers said that they published monthly in 2021.
  • 16% of marketers said that they published at irregular intervals in 2021.
  • 13% of marketers said that they published two to six posts per week in 2021.
  • 7% of marketers said that they published less than monthly in 2021.
  • 2% of marketers said that they published daily in 2021.
  • 1% of marketers said that they published more than once a day in 2021.

Source: Orbit Media

Does long-form content get more clicks than short-form content?

Long-form content gets 77.2% more clicks than short-form content.

Source: Backlinko

B2B content type statistics

These statistics explore all the content types that sales teams use to attract new customers.

What types of content do marketers publish?

76% of marketers publish how-to articles. It’s the most popular type of content published in 2021.

76% of marketers publish how-to articles. It’s the most popular type of content published in 2021.
  • 54% of marketers publish list articles. It’s the second-most popular type of content published in 2021.
  • 45% of marketers publish list articles. It’s the third-most-popular type of content published in 2021.
  • 41% of marketers publish news and trend articles.
  • 41% of marketers publish opinions.
  • 34% of marketers publish interviews.
  • 27% of marketers publish gated content.
  • 24% of marketers publish roundup articles.
  • 24% of marketers publish webinars.

Source: Orbit Media

B2B marketing budget statistics

The following statistics explore how businesses use their marketing budgets to achieve their goals.

How do B2B companies allocate their budget towards marketing?

13% of B2B companies would allocate more than 15% of their budget toward marketing.

13% of B2B companies would allocate more than 15% of their budget toward marketing.
  • 13% of B2B companies would allocate up to 15% of their budget toward marketing.
  • 21% of B2B companies would allocate up to 10% of their budget toward marketing.
  • 32% of B2B companies would allocate up to 5% of their budget toward marketing.
  • 13% of B2B companies would allocate 1% of their budget toward marketing.
  • 10% of B2B companies would allocate less than 1% of their budget toward marketing.

Source: Statista

B2B buyer statistics

These statistics show how a marketing team can affect purchasing decisions.

Who is making B2B searches on Google?

More than 50% of B2B researchers are millennials (which are 18- to 34-year-old users).

Source: Think With Google 

Where do B2B buyers get their information from?

70% of B2B buyers source their information from a vendor’s website before making a purchasing decision.

70% of B2B buyers source their information from a vendor’s website before making a purchasing decision.
  • 67% of B2B buyers get product information through internet research.
  • 53% of B2B buyers get product information through social media.
  • 47% of B2B buyers get product information through publications that they read regularly.
  • 41% of B2B buyers get product information through emails that are sent to them.

Source: Marketing Charts

B2B video marketing statistics

These video marketing statistics are all about how marketers are using video for lead generation.

How many influencers believe that video is the best type of content?

53% of B2B influencers believe that video marketing is the most useful form of content. 

53% of B2B influencers believe that video marketing is the most useful form of content.

According to a study, businesses in the high-tech and professional service industries are publishing the highest volumes of videos every month.

Source: Isoline

How many B2B influencers are more likely to share video content on social media?

More than 60% of B2B influencers said that they’ll likely share video content on their social media pages.

More than 60% of B2B influencers said that they’ll likely share video content on their social media pages.

Source: Isoline

How many B2B buyers watch videos before making a purchase?

70% of B2B buyers will watch a video throughout their path to purchase. 

Source: Think With Google

What’s the average watch time of B2B-related videos?

48% of users will watch 30+ minutes of B2B videos while 20% will watch B2B videos that are 60+ minutes.

48% of users will watch 30+ minutes of B2B videos while 20% will watch B2B videos that are 60+ minutes.

Source: Think With Google

B2B email marketing statistics

This section is about email marketing and how it can help find potential customers and improve online sales. If you think it’s not worth exploring email marketing, you better think again.

How many B2B companies avoid email marketing?

59% of B2B companies don’t use email marketing.

Source: SuperOffice

How many emails do B2B companies send out?

A B2B company will send out a marketing email once every 25 days on average.

Source: SuperOffice

Are B2B emails optimized for mobile devices?

1 in 5 B2B emails are not optimized for mobile devices.

Source: SuperOffice

How many marketing teams use an email service provider?

72% of marketing teams reported using an email service provider.

72% of marketing teams reported using an email service provider.

Source: CoSchedule

What’s the biggest challenge for B2B email marketing teams?

53% of B2B email marketers said that their biggest challenge is improving their click-through rates.

53% of B2B email marketers said that their biggest challenge is improving their click-through rates.
  • 42% of B2B email marketers reported struggling with their open rates.
  • 36% of B2B email marketers reported struggling with list fatigue.
  • 26% of B2B email marketers reported struggling with email deliverability.
  • 21% of B2B email marketers reported struggling with their open rates.

Source: Chief Marketer


Final thoughts

Having a sound B2B digital marketing strategy is still one of the best ways to get new eyes on your business. Your sales reps will thank you for making their lives easier. And it’s also a great way of solidifying your sales funnel, and keeping your content marketing costs low.

A good B2B content marketing strategy will make your site rank for the right keywords. And a good email marketing strategy is essential for businesses that want more leads.

It’s worth consulting with marketing agencies if you don’t know where to start with B2B marketing.

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