11 Top TikTok Statistics For 2025: Usage, Demographics And Trends
TikTok is the app that’s on everyone’s mind this year. Its meteoric growth in the global market has shaken up the social media space, giving brands and marketers pause for thought and leaving Zuckerberg shaking in his boots.
But is TikTok here to stay? Or is it just another passing fad that will soon fizzle out? Should you be spending more of your marketing time and budget on TikTok? And what TikTok trends do social media marketers need to know?
To shed some light on these questions (and more), we’ve compiled a list of the top TikTok statistics. Take a look at the stats below and use them to inform your strategy for the year ahead.
Editor’s picks
- TikTok reached 755 million users in 2022 (Statista)
- TikTok has the second-largest consumer spend of any app. (App Annie)
- 69% of TikTok users are 16-24-year-olds. (Hootsuite)
- TikTok generates the highest engagement rates of any app. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
TikTok reached 755 million users in 2022
That’s an increase of almost 100 million users compared to the 655.9 million users it had in 2021.
Whilst some of the top social networks are showing slower growth rates, TikTok isn’t.
This is based on data from Statista.
TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2020
This is according to App Annie’s State of Mobile 2020 report and further underscores just how impressive the recent TikTok tidal wave has been. The surge in downloads in 2020 was no doubt influenced by the pandemic as content-hungry consumers sought out digital entertainment to ease their lockdown boredom.
TikTok has the second-largest consumer spend of any app
Brands, take note. If you were wondering whether or not TikTok users are likely to buy your products, here’s your answer. TikTok offers a powerful opportunity for you to reach a huge global base of invested consumers.
This statistic is especially impressive given that social media apps almost never manage to break into the top consumer spend charts as they usually monetize mostly through ad revenue. TikTok breaks the mold as it explores many different monetization avenues. For example, users can complete in-app transactions by gifting virtual gift sales to their favorite streamers. (Source: App Annie)
The average user consumes 46 minutes of TikTok videos per day
This stat is even more impressive when you consider that TikTok videos are just 15 seconds long. It’s easy to see how users can get hooked on these short, addictive clips that are having a huge influence on wider pop culture.
The success of TikTok’s shorter, “meme-first” video format is reshaping the entertainment industry. (Source: Hootsuite)
69% of TikTok users are 16-24-year-olds
This puts the bulk of TikTok’s user base firmly in the Gen-Z demographic, which is good news for innovative brands that are trying to tap into the younger market. (Source: Hootsuite)
It’s also especially noteworthy given that Gen Z surpassed Millenials to become the largest population as of last year, comprising 32% of the global population. Marketers can use TikTok as a valuable source of insight into the wants and motivations of this new generation of consumers.
Why is TikTok so popular amongst Zoomers? Well, younger users have always flocked to newer, more ‘niche’ social media platforms (the kind of platforms their mom doesn’t know about yet). These kinds of networks represent a low-pressure space where younger people can be expressive and creative away from parental oversights and advertisements.
Snapchat, Instagram, and Vine have all at one point or another occupied this unique space in the social landscape. Now, it seems it’s TikTok’s turn.
60% of TikTok users live in China…
While TikTok has certainly been making in-roads in the global market, the bulk of the Chinese social app’s user base still resides on their home turf. Not only do the bulk of TikTok users live in China, but 8 out of 10 minutes spent in the app in 2019 were by Chinese users.
This is obviously good news for brands focusing on the China market, but not-so-good-news for brands targeting users from other countries.
…BUT US users are catching up
The good news is TikTok’s user base in the US does seem to be catching up. In fact, in just 18 months between 2017 and 2019, the number of US adults using TikTok users grew by a whopping 550%.
Just note that with privacy and security controversies still plaguing TikTok and the threat of an outright ban in the US looming over it, it’s future in the US market is still uncertain. Keep a close eye on this space and see how things develop.
Over 16% of Netflix users also use TikTok
According to the 2020 App Annie report, TikTok saw the greatest 2-year growth on cross-app usage of Netflix at 135%. Interestingly, this suggests that TikTok’s competing not only with other social platforms but also traditional video streaming services.
Total global time spent on TikTok grew by 210% year over year in 2019
This isn’t just a result of TikTok’s rapidly expanding user base; it’s also down to the fact that users are spending more time on the app. (Source: App Annie)
90% of TikTok users use the app daily
TikTok users, in general, seem to be particularly active. The majority of TikTok users don’t just consume content – they create it. 55% of TikTok users in a GlobalWebIndex survey said they had uploaded a video in the last month.
TikTok generates the highest engagement rates of any app
If you needed more proof of just how active TikTok users are, just take a look at these engagement statistics. Per a 2019 study from Influencer marketing Hub, influencers on TikTok can expect more likes, shares, and comments than their counterparts on other social platforms.
For example, micro-influencers with under 1,000 followers have an average 9.38% engagement rate, compared to 7.2% on Instagram and a measly 1.4% on Twitter.
How many users does TikTok have?
According to Reuters, TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users globally as of September 2021.
Final thoughts
As you can see from these TikTok statistics, TikTok may be the social platform to keep a close eye on for the future.
It’s a great place for brands to engage with younger consumers and experiment with fun, authentic video content. It’s definitely worth considering how TikTok might have a place in your social media strategy this year.
And if you want to take your TikTok strategy to the next level, check out our guide on the best time to post on TikTok.
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